Online Credit Card Fraud - Know The Lingo Techniques

Posted by Cyberblow on Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Credit card usage online is significant with transactions billions dollar in value. This huge sum of money online is exposed to unimaginable risk especially in terms of security and how safe it is.

Statistic shows hundred of millions lost (every year) due to fraudulent activities. Check more information on this website Is the technology to be blamed?

Knowing the statistic is not enough. If you have credit cards and use them offline or online, it is better to make yourself understand and aware about the risk and possibility of how fraudulence happen and work in the real cyber world.

Familiarize yourself with fancy and attractive terms such as "phishing", "pharming", "skimming" and "dumpster diving". And don't be too reluctant to find more details of those popular techniques or you are in the statistic! More info